Monday, January 19, 2004

gawd, it's been ages! er... uhm... time to update my blog.

grabe ang dami nang nangyari since my last entry...

Nov 30...celebrated my 24th birthday (waah! tanda ko na)

Dec 2 ... lost my bag at timezone along with 2 cel phones, payments for insurance and dorm, and other important documents (kainis... dahil kasi sa katangahan 'to)

Dec 23 rvcd a text from him asking if he can call me on Christmas (super dooper HP! muntik maihi sa tuwa!)

sleepless nights in between until Christmas day...

Dec 25 Christmas! Woke-up early... waited for that one call that never came... rcvd a text from him telling me he can't get thru my line... oh well... (sheesh, i was devastated... this one would have been a perfect Christmas gift...haay )

Dec 31 he greeted for the new year... replied something mushy to his mobile, wonder if he never got it or he just chose not to reply...

Jan 6 our last conversation...

missing him... worried sick because of his absence... paranoid... thankful in between emotions.

living my life. discovering myself. finding meaning in my existence.

eager to please God.

Jan 15 arrived at a place i never left. hunted down old profs to get recommendation letters for the MS program. wish i could turn back the hands of time. i miss the good old days in Baguio.

Jan 18 went to Jesus Loves Little Children Foundation with my ex-roommate. asked if they needed volunteers. turned out God has other plans for us.